Emmanuelle CHARAFE JAUFFRET Co-leader of the team "Epithelial Stem Cells and Cancer" at CRCMTranslate-it Other testimonialsSebastien BENZEKRYCo-leader of COMPO team at CRCMBaptiste MouyssetPhD student in the CRCM team "REMAP-4kids" Nelson DUSETTICo-leader of the Translate-It department & Team Leader, Pancreatic cancer, Cancer Research Centre of MarseillePATRICIA SANTOFIMIATeam "Pancreatic Cancer", CRCMJoseph CICCOLINICo-leader of the Translate-It department & Team Leader, Computational pharmacology and clinical oncology, Cancer Research Centre of MarseilleMaelle PICARDPhD student "Predictive Oncology" at CRCMPaul WORKMANInstitute of Cancer Research, UKDUCAN JODRELLCambridge Experimental Cancer Medecine Center, Cambridge, UKAnais GrandonPhD student in the CRCM team "Epithelial stem cells and cancer" FRANCOIS BERTUCCICo-leader of the team "Predictive Oncology" at CRCMEDDY PASQUIERCo-leader of the team "Target Discovery and Innovative Therapies in Pediatric Oncology"Elisa GIOVANNETTIVU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Netherland Testimonials