Interview with Rodolphe Moreau, conducted by Eddy Pasquier on 10 November 2023
1. Could you summarise your professional career for us?
I started my career in 2002 as a materials manager in a college near Reims. In 2006, I moved to higher education as financial manager of the Faculty of Science at Marseille Luminy, then known as the University of the Mediterranean. I then joined the financial department at the headquarters of the University of Aix-Marseille. After some time, I was looking for a new challenge and joined the Marseille Medical Genetics Centre, an Inserm-AMU UMR, where I stayed for 10 years.
2. What motivated you to join the CRCM?
In my previous role, I was heavily involved in envisioning the establishment of a new research centre focused on the genetics of rare diseases – a highly translational project that resonated with me. However, when the centre did not come to fruition, I began to question my career path. Although I had always been happy working at MMG, I felt the need for a new experience. So when I heard from Marie-France that she was retiring and that the position of Administrative and Financial Director was becoming available, I jumped at the chance and applied. I was eager to embark on this adventure and face new challenges.
3. Could you describe a typical day for an Administrative and Financial Director?
There’s no such thing as a typical day. My first priority is to respond to the needs and questions of my colleagues and research teams. Then there’s the overall financial and human resources management of the centre. Let’s say my schedule is partly dictated by a well-defined calendar, with certain times of the year corresponding to resource requests, equipment needs, financial reports, and various regular meetings (management, team leaders, administrative and financial services, with oversight bodies, etc.). The other half of my time is spent dealing with day-to-day emergencies and trying to solve problems as they arise. At the moment, a significant part of my time is also spent on getting to know the structure, so I am making numerous appointments with different members of the Centre to gain a thorough understanding of its organisation.
4. What is your biggest dream?
My wife, my two sons, and I all love traveling. So, I would say doing a road trip in South America.
5. What are you most proud of?
I’m not quite sure. I always struggle a bit with that sort of thing. Maybe I’m a bit of a perfectionist. Of course there have been some great professional achievements, but I always tend to think it could have been better. So, I don’t know, let’s say the next one.
6. Can you reveal your favourite book, film or Netflix series and your favourite music band?
For books, I’m passionate about history, so I’d say all the Max Gallo novels. Similarly for films, maybe Troy, Gladiator or Alexander. As for TV series, I really liked B.R.I, Le Bureau des Légendes or Dexter. As for music, I really like French rock, so bands like Noir Désir, Shaka Ponk or Indochine.
7. If you could choose a superhero power, what would it be?
Maybe invisibility.
8. Do you have any hidden talents?
I’m not bad at basketball. I used to play at regional level when I was younger. Now I don’t compete anymore because my knees are a bit damaged, but I still play regularly.
9. How do you see the future of the CRCM?
We have many challenges ahead of us in the coming years. I hope to contribute to strengthening the sense of belonging between the different professions in the Centre. I’ve been here for just over a month and I feel a real collective dynamism. It’s a centre that is really destined to shine at national and international level.
10. Finally, do you have any message to convey?
I approach my position with great humility. I would like to make an immediate impact, but the reality is that these things take time. So I would ask everyone to be patient. I’m going to start by devoting some time to the administration team, which has been struggling for some time, and try to create what I hope will be a more efficient organisation where everyone can find their place. The idea is to build a cohesive team. My real ambition is for us to be at the service of the research teams, to work under favourable conditions, and for the administrative service to be truly recognised as an integral part of the smooth running of the Centre. But this won’t happen with a wave of a magic wand. It may take some time.