Pink October: The CRCM committed to the fight against breast cancer

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The Marseille Cancer Research Center celebrates its 50th anniversary ! -

Members of the CRCM joined over 1100 runners to support the fight against breast cancer!

Marseille en Rose is an association that organizes mass sports events in support of breast cancer in Marseille. Last year, the event raised €4,500 in donations for the Paoli-Calmettes Institute. The second edition of the race took place on October 22 at Parc Maison Blanche in Marseille and gathered more than 1100 participants. The CRCM warmly thanks the participants for their commitment!

CRCM Milestones in Breast Cancer Research.

In a groundbreaking discovery published on June 2022 (Cell), Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauffret and her team, together with researchers from Paoli-Calmettes institute, revealed the epigenetic role of non-coding RNA in aggressive breast tumors, shedding light on gender predispositions to pathologies. They discovered that XIST, a non-coding RNA linked to X chromosome inactivation, plays a key role in breast cancer initiation. This discovery could improve early detection of breast cancer.

Flavio Maina, who recently join the CRCM with his team, was honoured by the Ruban Rose Association, receiving the Ruban Rose Avenir Award 2023. On Wednesday, October 18, during a ceremony at the National Assembly, Flavio Maina was recognized for his work on the communication between cancer cells and immune cells in response to various anticancer treatments. His research has the potential to improve existing treatments and open new therapeutic avenues for triple-negative breast cancers, known for their complexity and resistance to current treatments.


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