A Tyrosine Kinase Expression Signature Predicts the Post-Operative Clinical Outcome in Triple Negative Breast Cancers.
de Nonneville A, Finetti P, Adelaide J, Viens P, Gonçalves A, Birnbaum D, Mamessier E, Bertucci F
Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) represent 15% of breast cancers. Histoclinical features and marketed prognostic gene expression signatures (GES) failed to identify good- and poor-prognosis patients. Tyrosine kinases (TK) represent potential prognostic and/or therapeutic targets for TNBC. We sought to define a prognostic TK GES in a large series of TNBC. mRNA expression and histoclinical data of 6379 early BCs were collected from 16 datasets. We searched for a TK-based GES associated with disease-free survival (DFS) and tested its robustness in an independent validation set. A total of 1226 samples were TNBC. In the learning set of samples (N = 825), we identified a 13-TK GES associated with DFS. This GES was associated with cell proliferation and immune response. In multivariate analysis, it outperformed the previously published GESs and classical prognostic factors in the validation set (N = 401), in which the patients classified as “low-risk” had a 73% 5-year DFS versus 53% for “high-risk” patients = 1.85 × 10). The generation of 100,000 random 13-gene signatures by a resampling scheme showed the non-random nature of our classifier, which was also prognostic for overall survival in multivariate analysis. We identified a robust and non-random 13-TK GES that separated TNBC into subgroups of different prognosis. Clinical and functional validations are warranted.
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