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Aug 2007 Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Inflammatory breast cancers in Tunisia and France show similar immunophenotypes.


Charafe-Jauffret E, Mrad K, Intidhar Labidi S, Ben Hamida A, Ben Romdhane K, Ben Abdallah M, Ginestier C, Esterni B, Birnbaum D, Ben Ayed F, Xerri L, Viens P, Mezlini A, Jacquemier J


Inflammatory breast cancers (IBC) have specific immunophenotypic profiles as compared to non-inflammatory (non-IBC): combined differential expression of estrogen receptor, Ki67, E-cadherin, MUC1, and ERBB2 can be used as an IBC signature. It is thought that IBC occurs with a high frequency in Tunisia. The aim of this study is to evaluate this signature on a Tunisian series.

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