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Le Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille fête ses 50 ans ! -

May 2007 BMC cancer

Nectin-4 is a new histological and serological tumor associated marker for breast cancer.


Fabre-Lafay S, Monville F, Garrido-Urbani S, Berruyer-Pouyet C, Ginestier C, Reymond N, Finetti P, Adélaïde J, Geneix J, Lecocq E, Popovici C, Dubreuil P, Viens P, Gonçalves A, Charafe-Jauffret E, Jacquemier J, Birnbaum D, Lopez M


Breast cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease at the molecular level. Evolution is difficult to predict according to classical histoclinical prognostic factors. Different studies highlight the importance of large-scale molecular expression analyses to improve taxonomy of breast cancer and prognostic classification. Identification of new molecular markers that refine this taxonomy and improve patient management is a priority in the field of breast cancer research.Nectins are cell adhesion molecules involved in the regulation of epithelial physiology. We present here Nectin-4/PVRL4 as a new histological and serological tumor associated marker for breast carcinoma.

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