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Mar 2019 Nature chemical biology

Publisher Correction: PH-domain-binding inhibitors of nucleotide exchange factor BRAG2 disrupt Arf GTPase signaling.


Nawrotek A, Benabdi S, Niyomchon S, Kryszke MH, Ginestier C, Cañeque T, Tepshi L, Mariani A, St Onge RP, Giaever G, Nislow C, Charafe-Jauffret E, Rodriguez R, Zeghouf M, Cherfils J


In the version of this article originally published, several co-authors had incorrect affiliation footnote numbers listed in the author list. Tatiana Cañeque and Angelica Mariani should each have affiliation numbers 3, 4 and 5, and Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauffret should have number 6. Additionally, there was an extra space in the name of co-author Robert P. St.Onge. These errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the paper and the Supplementary Information PDF.

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