Trisomy 4, a new chromosomal abnormality in Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia: a study of 39 cases.


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Sep 2006 Leukemia

Trisomy 4, a new chromosomal abnormality in Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia: a study of 39 cases.

Terré C, Nguyen-Khac F, Barin C, Mozziconacci MJ, Eclache V, Léonard C, Chapiro E, Farhat H, Bouyon A, Rousselot P, Choquet S, Spentchian M, Dubreuil P, Leblond V, Castaigne S

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Sep 2006 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)

Indirect effects of leptin receptor deficiency on lymphocyte populations and immune response in db/db mice.

Palmer G, Aurrand-Lions M, Contassot E, Talabot-Ayer D, Ducrest-Gay D, Vesin C, Chobaz-Péclat V, Busso N, Gabay C

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Sep 2006 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

The Salmonella effector protein PipB2 is a linker for kinesin-1.

Henry T, Couillault C, Rockenfeller P, Boucrot E, Dumont A, Schroeder N, Hermant A, Knodler LA, Lecine P, Steele-Mortimer O, Borg JP, Gorvel JP, Méresse S

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Sep 2006 Leukemia

Myeloproliferative disorders: premalignant, stem cell, G1 diseases?

Lelièvre H, Ferrand A, Mozziconacci MJ, Birnbaum D, Delaval B

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Aug 2006 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry

Caulerpenyne-colchicine hybrid: synthesis and biological evaluation.

Bourdron J, Commeiras L, Barbier P, Bourgarel-Rey V, Pasquier E, Vanthuyne N, Hubaud JC, Peyrot V, Parrain JL

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Aug 2006 Blood

Rapamycin inhibits growth and survival of D816V-mutated c-kit mast cells.

Gabillot-Carré M, Lepelletier Y, Humbert M, de Sepuvelda P, Hamouda NB, Zappulla JP, Liblau R, Ribadeau-Dumas A, Machavoine F, Letard S, Baude C, Hermant A, Yang Y, Vargaftig J, Bodemer C, Morelon E, Lortholary O, Recher C, Laurent G, Dy M, Arock M, Dubreuil P, Hermine O

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Aug 2006 Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire

The multiple faces of Set1.

Dehé PM, Géli V

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Aug 2006 The Journal of pathology

The role of junctional adhesion molecule C (JAM-C) in acute pancreatitis.

Vonlaufen A, Aurrand-Lions M, Pastor CM, Lamagna C, Hadengue A, Imhof BA, Frossard JL

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Aug 2006 Biochemistry

Interaction of 4-arylcoumarin analogues of combretastatins with microtubule network of HBL100 cells and binding to tubulin.

Rappl C, Barbier P, Bourgarel-Rey V, Grégoire C, Gilli R, Carre M, Combes S, Finet JP, Peyrot V

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Aug 2006 Nature structural & molecular biology

The finger subdomain of yeast telomerase cooperates with Pif1p to limit telomere elongation.

Eugster A, Lanzuolo C, Bonneton M, Luciano P, Pollice A, Pulitzer JF, Stegberg E, Berthiau AS, Förstemann K, Corda Y, Lingner J, Géli V, Gilson E